Hai Guys, baru lagi posting setelah sekian lama engk posting.. kali ini aku berbagi untuk menunaikan nazarku.. Suatu hari aku dan temanku Intan, berekperimen. membuat bolu. "Kalau bolunya enak, nnti mau di post di blog" dan alhamdulillah bolunya enakkk :) Biasanya aku kalau bikin blackforest suka langsung beli yang Instan, dan ngikutin cara yang tertera di bungkusnya hehe.. okelah, aku share dulu cara membuat Kue Bolu yang enak dulu ya,, BlackForest Next Time hehe.. Bahan-Bahan Dasar : 1. Tepung terigu 1/4 kg 2. Gula Putih 1/4 Kg 3. Telur 4 Butir 4. 100g Margarin atau bisa diganti Minyak Kelapa. 5. 1/2 sdm emulffisier 6. 1/4 sdt vanilli Cara : 1. Mixer telur dengan Kecepatan tinggi sampai benar-benar mengembang, 2. tambahakan Gula putih sambil terus di Mixer 3. setelah mengembang tambahkan tepung terigu dan agar lebih mudah mergarin dicairkan dulu sebelum dicampur 4. terakhir tambahkan emulffisier dan vanill...
Today I will share you about How to make a Rainbow Pudding. Yesterday I made pudding, I promised if the pudding was delicious I would share it on my blog .. and it turns out that my sister rated it delicious. Yeaahhh.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, first prepare the ingredients. I don't use a lot of ingredients. I only use the pudding with various flavors. because I think it's more concise. and this can be tried when you practice cooking in the classroom. very simple haha. The second step is to cook one by one pudding. cook until boiling, over low heat. when you cook, stir continuously. After boiling, pour pudding into the mold. wait for it to cool, usually I put it in the refrigerator, so the pudding freezes immediately. After freezing, please repeat the first step by taking another pudding. pour it on the same mold so it looks like a rainbow. Good Luck and Happy Cooking :)