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I Love My GrandMother, Really Missed you!

This Story Happened 5 Years ago, I am Still a student at a Vocational High School (2014)
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I'll tell you about my experience of lost my grandmother
when I was a student at a vocational high school, my grandmother 59 years old,
She lives in my house, she always slept with me, she was a strong woman
One day she was sick, but she always showed that she is strong, and
my family.
consider she has been healthy, and in the long run
she was sick again, and we took her to hospital,
in the hospital, I promised
her that I would bring a wet spring rolls (Lumpia Basah), and she should recover quickly, but due to economic factors she only treated one day, my aunt wanted to treat her, and my family agrees,
but then,
she was seriously ill, I and my parents visited her aunt's home, and I bring a wet spring rolls, but she did not want to eat it .... she says that she wants to get back at my house, because we visited in the afternoon, we did not take her to my house, and I told her that tomorrow I can to take her to my house, but she did not speak

we went to the house without my grandmother, we slept, and at midnight I received information from my aunt that my grandmother died, my family and I was very surprised, and we cried, we went to my aunt's house, and we are very sorry that we were not followed
she wants.

Oh my Lord, We are very Sorry, give my Grandma in the Best Place in Your Paradise. Aamiin.


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