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I am not Queen (English) CMIIW

There will be many introductions. My name is Rani Hartiniawati. You can call me Rani. I am the eldest of three children. I have one younger brother and one sister. Sometimes, I feel that life is hard. But it's too much for me to end it all. It's too good to end. And this ending is not a good way to achieve happiness. Happiness I think is grateful. a little or a lot of expansions achieved will always be wonderful if we give thanks. Just one step away. How we thank Him.

Today I was too rough. Not today. I'm a rough woman. I'm like a man. Not a tomboy, but my anger could outweigh the horror of men.

Oh, yes . at home I am a person who is bolted. I think that my father is a gentle person. Sometimes I feel terrible when I see my father can not be angry. I am the one who likes to be angry. I can be more terrible than my dad when I get angry.

Starting from the name, my name rani, in English, Rani means queen. Yes I am a queen. 
But that was before. You know that first. I will tell you about the life of an angry queen or myself.

It used to be a happy time ... The angry Queen always demanded desire. 
And it always manifests in the very near future. Never feel tired working hard. 
Always delivered shuttle, never go home alone. But the queen is a clever woman. Smart people.
She always excel in school and become the pride of parents.

Today is January 30, 2018 queen is no longer a happy queen. Parents must share money for her two siblings. queen of 20 years old today and will soon turn 21 years old. Queen realized that she must be an adult. But how is someone said to be mature in your opinion?

The world revolves like a wheel of life that spins for the angry queen. Things are not as sweet as before. her achievements fell because of the temptation of romance, her family's economy declined. Her father never picks her up again now. I think .. according to myself who is a queen. She's a little grown. Only a few in her age reach the old. One time she came home 11 nights because she had to do her duties with her friends (she attended classes in the evening because she attended private and took employee classes) and she came home at 12 o'clock and she often went home early because he had to work (the queen was a student and employee)

The Queen who used to feel the happiness of no taara now must feel the bitterness of life. Maybe he used to feel the pain of life. I do not know what's on this mind so always think that life was happy. Maybe ... yeah maybe I'm more grateful when I get happiness and maybe I quickly get rid of all my disappointments. but that is only possible. I'm not sure why today I feel so bad. maybe because I'm less so thankful or because my mind is full of negative shadows when writing this or because I was still a child so I do not feel so much burden I should bear on my shoulders. I just hope tomorrow I find happiness tomorrow. Oh yes do not be tomorrow but soon. I wish I could be more grateful and better to bring myself to be better and able to hold my emotions even though strong winds always slap my face that is no longer a queen in this short world journey.



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